Monday, June 16, 2014

Shifting homes and the beginning of the third trimester

The 10th of February it is, and the 2nd trimester finally comes to an end.
Now the challenging 3rd trimester began. (so people say...for me, the first 2 trimesters were very challenging, too :P )
The third trimester also arrived with the shifting apartments frenzy. Lots of decisions, planning, packing, phone calls, arrangements, shopping to be done.
Add to it the shopping for baby stuff, lest the delivery happen prematurely (hope not).
The day we actually moved to the new city was surprisingly snow-free! Unlike what we feared, the journey was quite good.
For some reason, the 7th month, and the beginning of the 8th one were emotional for me. My mood was mostly low, I kept feeling paranoid and scared and restless. None of the pregnancy books or websites list this as a common condition, while they did so in the previous months. Probably my timeline of emotions is off. :P
Or it is also possible that moving into a new place took its toll on me.
This month also saw the onset of the famous back ache. Standing in the kitchen for long seemed impossible. I had to sit once every half an hour, whether I was just standing or simply strolling in a mall. Bloating and gassiness were like seasoned guests now.
Having to wake up twice a night to pee was not just tiring, but also led to insomnia. Somehow, I just couldn't put myself back to sleep after those multiple nocturnal relief routines! :P
Getting to know the new doctor in the new city and settling in the new processes and routines went relatively well, though.

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