Why This Blog?

Ever since I got married, many people kept asking me when a baby was planned. The ones who asked were a bearable lot, though; because those who pushed, taunted, and constantly nagged were far, far up on he irritation meter.
Eventually, we did get pregnant, irrespective of all these people. It was only after I got pregnant that I realized how these people painted just one side of the picture to us. Yes, the ecstasy side, which is true, by the way; but there is also a very large agony side. Pregnancy means a huge sea of changes, some good, some really bad!

As I mentioned in the description of my blog, I was totally flustered and unnerved and overwhelmed by all these changes that the pregnancy brought. I thought I was abnormal to be undergoing so many issues and troubles, until I complained to people and they told me it was totally normal.

Most people don't share their experiences believing them to be too personal, but tell me, if giving birth is a perfectly natural and scientific process and almost everyone (girls, I mean; and guys, too, by association) goes through similar experiences, then what is so secretive and personal about it?
Also, people feel that childbirth is a happy occasion and the whole process is supposed to be enjoyed. So if they crib or complain about it, people will criticize them, right? Wrong! Yes, we are all super-happy to be moms, but we don't have to sugar-coat every single bit of our process of giving birth and raising a child. That's just lying to ourselves and others! :D Plus, it is true that to be happy, one has to deal with a lot of hard-work on the way, right? :D :D

And again, there are always the happy and cute moments that I would like to share and hear about - moments that make the troubles endured so very worthwhile!

So I thought, why not create a blog to share my experiences with others, and learn from others' experiences? Here is my initial attempt at doing so. Hope it is successful! :)

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